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Artist Statement


I began clay when I was a freshman at Clarkstown North High School. In the beginning, I had no idea that i would enjoy clay as much as I do. I have taken clay every year since then and I am now a junior going into my senior year of high school. I have continued to take clay because I love to work with my hands and create with my hands rather than just drawing or painting. I always try to incorporate the world's beauty into my projects. Nature has been one of the main influences in my artwoek because you can interpret its beauty in an infinite amount of ways. I also have a horse named Mighty Mouse and he inspires some of my projects to have a "western" feel to them. 


When brainstorming for an idea for my projects, I don't start by researching or sketching right a way. I usually let the idea of the project sit with me for a few days until I see somethingand think, "I wonder how I can incorporate that into my project". Once I have an idea then I start to research and sketch. After I choose the sketch that I want to follow through with then I start to work with clay. Throughout the process of building my project it usually starts to drift away from my original idea. I see something else throughout the day and think of ways to bring elements of what I saw into my project. 


My current work is based highly off nature. Many of my current works, like my trivet and my handheld, have earthy colored glazes such as iron ore, african savanna and african woodland. I really enjoy working with the concept of nature because I feel like the viewer will get to know me more as a person. I would really want the viewer to look at my pieces and relate them back to nature. This way the next time they go on a walk and see a little white flower or a dirty old boot, they would stop and admire it's beauty.

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